

(all-selected? selected-values all-values)


(simple-checkbox checked & {:keys [on-click]})


(table & args)

Renders a table of rows (col => value). An optional map of columns to labels can be specified which also restricts which columns are visible.


[attrs] rows [options]

- attrs - (optional) attributes for <table> handed over to React (see
- rows - a vector of col->val maps
- options - (optional) options to customize the table


- :columns - map of keys used in `rows` to human-friendly column names
- :checkboxes - use this to support row selection using checkboxes, the map contains:
    :selection - atom/cursor to keep selected rows in
    :path - (optional) korks/path into the selection atom/cursor
    :row-id - function applied to row map to calculate a unique row id to put into the selection set
    :nil-selects-all? - (optional) selection set to nil (as opposed to #{}) selects all rows (default: false)
  See the second example.


 (table [{:name "Tom" :id 12} {:name "Jerry" :id 23}]
        :columns {:name "Hero name"})


| Hero name |
| Tom       |
| Jerry     |

As an option, each row can have an on/off checkbox to the left; to turn this on, checkboxes must be a map with :cursor and :korks pointing to where to store the selection. The resulting selection is either a set containing values or nil; the latter means that all rows are selected. The values are taken from the first val in the respective row or a result of :value function of signature (fn [row]).


(table [{:name "Tom" :id 12} {:name "Jerry" :id 23}]
       :checkboxes {:selection     app-state
                    :path          [:selected-heroes]
                    :row-id        :id}
       :columns {:name "Hero name"})

 | [ ] Hero name |
 | [x] Tom       |
 | [ ] Jerry     |

;; For the above selection:
(get-in app-state [:selected-heroes]) => #{12}

Depending on the initial value of app-state in the above example the table start either

a) with all checkboxes on for app-state containing {:selected-heroes nil}, or b) with no selection with {:selected-heroes #{}}.